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General information on QMS in English

This page provides some basic information on QMS in English as not all pages of are translated and kept updated. Here you find a short introduction, central documents and the main figures in English. 

QMS is the Austrian "Quality Management System for Schools". It applies to all Austrian schools - roughly 5.700 -  starting with the school year 2021/22. In September 2021 QMS has been implemented and substituted the two formerly separate quality systems (SQA – School Quality in General Education and QIBB – VET Quality Initiative) by introducing a new and consistent system for all schools alike.

In January 2021 the introduction of QMS was prepared with the publication of the Quality Framework for Schools (QF) and the school-based quality assessment (siQe = schulinterne Qualitätseinschätzung). The Quality Framework for Schools (QF) describes the essential characteristics of school quality and forms the binding, content-based foundation of the Quality Management System for Schools (QMS). The translation of the QF with its five quality dimensions (four of which focus on the processes and the fifth on the outcomes and effects of the school's work) can be downloaded here.

Central Documents

QF thumbnailQuality Framework for Schools (PDF, 574 KB; Grafik aktualisiert am 18.03.2024)

Furthermore, a clear and compact overview with some 28 pages (QMS at a glance) can be found here: 

qms at at glance thumbnailQMS at a glance. Overall presentation of the Quality Management System for Schools (PDF,  1,4 MB)

Task Profiles

The following actors (School head, School Quality Coordinator, Regional Quality Coordinator, Teachers and Teams of teachers) have specific tasks and functions in QMS, which are documenten in task profiles.

Screenshot 2023 02 10 112229QMS Task Profiles of actors

School Development Plan (SEP) and examples

School Development Plan 2023 04 04 095321 School Development Plan - blank form to fill in  (Word, 77 KB)

Terminology in English

Terminology Vocabulary 2023 02 22 155131Terminology for the Austrian Peer Review (German-English/English-German PDF, 159 KB)

Figures in English

Q framework EN rgb 300 M 2024 03 08 Quality Framework for Schools: PDF: 970 KB  |  PNG: 286 KB

qms model 150brQMS Model: PDF: 236 KB  |  PNG: 514 KB 

qms functions 150brQMS Functions: PDF: 157 KB  |  PNG: 357 KB

q cycle 150hochQuality Cycle: PDF: 917 KB  |  PNG: 188 KB

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last update: 18 March 2024